Monday, November 4, 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013

Un monstre dans la forêt

"Un monstre dans la forêt", a monster in the forest.
That is the refrain sung by my nephew Cosimo (3 years old) some days ago, alone in his room in Paris.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Night reading

Anche Batman legge "Maschere" di Paolo Ferrara!

Illustrazione realizzata come omaggio a Maschere (un serial a puntate per ebook. Pulp, supereroi e qualche venatura horror).
Scaricabile sulla maggior parte delle piattaforme digitali per ebook. La prima puntata (episodio 0) è gratuita!

Per saperne di più visitate la pagina Facebook.


Even Batman reads "Maschere" by Paolo Ferrara!

Illustration created as a tribute to Maschere (a serialized novel for ebook. Pulp, superheroes and a little touch of horror). 

Downloadable on most digital platforms for ebook. The first episode (episode 0) is for free! (Only italian language)

To learn more, visit the Facebook page.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

E se un mattino (If one morning)

My first five illustrations for a picture-book project made in collaboration with Simonetta Cappello.

A man wakes up in the morning and discovers he has the head of a bird!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Doodle Project is online!

Finally the animation is completed and I am proud to be part of this project. Take a look at the video! Congrats to Dante Zaballa for the amazing final result!

THE DOODLE PROJECT from podoboo on Vimeo.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Doodle Project


My 5 frames for “The Doodle Project”, a collective, animated video created by Dante Zaballa.


frame_00000   frame_000034   frame_000037   frame_000040


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A te, con affetto: Uominimacchina (Machine Men)

Illustrazione per A te, con affetto.
Illustration for A te, con affetto.
"[...] mi resi conto che tutta quella farsa non suscitava nessuna reazione nei miei (ex) simili."


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Monday, May 27, 2013

A te, con affetto: rabbia (anger)

Seconda illustrazione per A te, con affetto,
The second illustration for A te, con affetto.
"[...] Tutto portava con sé un significato e questo, a sua volta, ne rievocava altri. Matrioske di significati, le chiamava Beth [...]"


Friday, May 24, 2013

A te, con affetto: 0101

La mia prima illustrazione per "A te, con affetto", ebook in lavorazione di Paola Fantini sulla gestione delle emozioni. Qui la pagina facebook del libro.
My first illustration for "A te, con affetto", ebook about the management of emotions that Paola Fantini is writing. Here the facebook page of the book.

0101 è il paese dove tutto ha inizio...
0101 is the village where it all begins ...


Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Golem and the Butterfly

Based on the short story “Il golem e la farfalla” (the golem and the butterfly), by Erika Silvestri.

il golem e la farfalla

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sketchbook Project 2013

Last tuesday I finally sent my sketchbook to New York!

“The Sketchbook Project is a collection of creative works in the form of sketchbooks that are contributed by individuals from around the world. Thousands of people are adding their voice to this project annually. Together, they have formed a library of over 22,000 sketchbooks from over 130 countries and growing”

The title of my work is “Double Awakening” and is also a study for a picture book I am writing with Simonetta Cappello.
I hope to see again my sketchbook one day at the Brooklyn Art Library, where all the sketchbooks of the collection are stored and where they can be read by the visitors.
I really enjoyed to be part of this interesting project!

I post a video (thank you Massimiliano for the music!) and some pictures of my work (you can see all the pictures here) .

Sketchbook Project 2013 - Double Awakening from Paolo Pochettino on Vimeo.
